Schedule an Orthodontic Appointment
We appreciate the value of your time in scheduling appointments. By managing our schedule properly, patients are both received and treated as scheduled. Our office has become known for maintaining a "no wait " policy that prevents people from disrupting their busy schedules.
Patients are seen on an appointment basis only. We do schedule appointments precisely and your cooperation is necessary to keep both you and others on schedule. Dr. Konys works very hard to make sure patients are seen on time and others are not kept waiting beyond their appointed time.
Although we take into consideration both work and school schedules, it will be necessary at times to schedule your appointments during those hours. While most of our patients would prefer to be seen before and after school, we hope you will understand that is is necessary for everyone to be seen for specific procedures during the day. Generally speaking, any appointments which require 30 minutes or more are schedule during the least popular times of during the day. In scheduling this way, it allows everyone the ability of being seen for regular appointments during the most convenient times.
Since we normally schedule approximately 6 weeks in advance, missed or cancelled appointments may require you waiting several weeks for a new appointment that is convenient to your schedule. We will make every effort to accomadate you into our next available appointment. Continual missed appointments can lead to delayed treatment times and the possibility of a compromised orthodontic result.
Emergency time is available each day the office is open. We can address any immediate issue and if possible repair the damage. Occasionally, it may be necessary to reschedule an appointment if extensive time is needed for repairs to broken appliances. If you have an emergenscy that requires immediate attention during non office hours, simply call the office and follow the instructions. Dr. Konys is usually able to meet emergency problems within 30 minutes of being contacted.